Entries by Mike Karle

Process Improvement – Mapping

In order to improve any operational process and provide greater customer value, business processes first needs to be understood, and the easiest way to understand a process is by drawing or mapping it. Mapping forms the basis of all process improvement as it shows: The current state i.e. “this is how we presently do it” […]

Process Improvement – Essential Steps

Improving business processes requires companies to first understand their existing processes. While this sounds obvious, senior management will often stipulate that a particular process or series of processes need to be improved based upon their understanding of these processes. However, their understanding and the reality at the coal-face, are more often than not, miles apart. […]

Office Wastes

While much has been said and written about Lean and the 7-Wastes within a manufacturing environment, it is in the office of professional service functions where we often see huge amounts of waste, particularly within the accounting, legal, design and consulting engineering sectors. Below are some of the typical ‘Office Wastes’ that we encounter. Sorting […]

LEAN Misconceptions – Only for ‘Big’ Organisations

LEAN Misconceptions – Part 5 The Lean Philosophy has been around for many years, but unfortunately it is not always understood, predominantly because Lean is thought to be: A cost reduction exercise A process to reduce the number of employees Only applicable to ‘manufacturing’ organisations An ‘operational’ issue that can be solved by the ‘operations […]

LEAN Misconceptions – Operational Issues

LEAN Misconceptions – Part 4 The Lean Philosophy has been around for many years, but unfortunately it is not always understood, predominantly because Lean is thought to be: A cost reduction exercise A process to reduce the number of employees Only applicable to ‘manufacturing’ organisations An ‘operational’ issue that can be solved by the ‘operations […]

Lean Business – Myth or Reality?

LEAN Misconceptions – Part 1 The Lean Philosophy has been around for many years, but unfortunately it is not always understood, predominantly because Lean is thought to be: A cost reduction exercise A process to reduce the number of employees Only applicable to ‘manufacturing’ organisations An ‘operational’ issue that can be solved by the ‘operations […]

Profits from efficiency – are we missing the obvious?

Many organisations, big and small, have focussed on efficiencies, reducing waste, reducing costs to improve their bottom line and profits. So what is wrong with this? Nothing apart from one significant point – a single focus on increasing efficiencies through Lean and Six Sigma (or good application of continuous improvement) will lead to additional capacity […]